Tag: Stephanie M. Wytovich

  • Vortex: Book Three of the Veins Cycle

    I’m thrilled to report that Vortex: Book Three of the Veins Cycle is now available. Illustrated by Rhonda Libbey and produced by Fantasist Enterprises — the press known for illustrated fantasy books such as Blood and Devotion, Modern Magic, The Stories in Between, and others — Vortex goes on sale today across all major retail…

  • August Mania:
    Madness, Music, and Mannequins

    Sorry. Couldn’t resist the alliteration, but it’s as good a way as any to summarize this month’s events. The Madness That’s madness of the fun variety, of course. Earlier this week I joined Raw Dog Screaming Press authors Stephanie M. Wytovich and Michael A. Arnzen for a reading at Rickert & Beagle Books. That’s the three…

  • Voices & Music at Jozart Center for the Arts: A Stoker Homecoming

    What is the sound of horror? We explored the question at last week’s World Horror Convention in Salt Lake City, with a multi-media reading from Voices: Tales of Horror.  As part of the on-going 21st-Century Scop project, the presentation featured prose selections set to the music of Veins: The Soundtrack. This week, the exploration continues at…