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Airships and Sherlock Holmes

The master sleuth and Master of the World.

What’s not to love?

The World Fantasy Convention has just released its program schedule for 2011, one that offers an impressive blend of topics centering on this year’s theme: Sailing the Seas of Imagination.

At the con, I’ll be joining a discussion about airships and reading from my latest Sherlock Holmes mystery “The Executioner.”

First up, I’ll be joining  Jetse de Vries, Eric Flint, Charles Gannon, and Cliff Winnig for a panel titled “To Sail Above the Clouds: Airships.” Here’s the description:

With Steampunk’s popularity, airships are rising too. Sometimes they’re treated just like sailing ships. (Airship pirates!). Sometimes more like trains or planes. What is unique about this form of transportation that’s grabbed the attention of Steampunk? What has literature done with it and what does literature get wrong and right? (Friday 2:00 PM)

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about airships, working on a new story tentatively titled “Zeppelin to the Moon,” which brings together Professor Challenger (The Lost World), Mr. Bedford (First Men in the Moon), and Count von Zeppelin (the renowned airship designer) on a mission to rescue the inventor of cavorite from the clutches of the Grand Lunar. Sound interesting?

 “To Sail Above the Clouds” will mark my second appearance on a steampunk-themed panel this year. The first was two months ago when I joined my good friends Paul Genesse, Anton Strout, Gregory Wilson, and Maurice Broaddus at GenCon for a presentation titled “Make it Steamy: A Look at the Steampunk Genre.” That event really packed them in, with nearly 100 people in attendance. One of the highlights was Maurice’s account of his forthcoming “steampunk story with all black characters.” It’s title: Pimp My Airship. Looking forward to that one!

Paul and I also got the chance to reminisce about works that introduced us to the tropes of steampunk. His was the Ray Harryhausen 1961 film Mysterious Island (soon to be released in a limited-edition Blu-Ray  from Twilight Time). Mine was Karl Zerman’s 1958 Vynález zkázy, released in the States as The Fabulous World of Jules Verne. I remember catching that one at a drive-in near Philadelphia. The world has never been the same.

Also on the bill at this year’s World Fantasy will be a Saturday night book launch and party hosted by Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing.  This will be the big debut for Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes, the third in the critically-acclaimed series of anthologies edited by Charles Prepolec and J. R. Campbell. I understand that Paul Kane will also be there, reading from his entry “The Greatest Mystery” – one of the anthology’s standout horror stories.

And of course, as always, there will be the WFC mass-autograph session on Friday night, where I’ll be looking forward to meeting old friends, making new ones, and signing copies of Gaslight Arcanum, as well as Veins, Vipers, Visions, and last year’s collection This Way to Egress. (All titles will be available in the dealers room.) I also hope to have some preview material for the forthcoming Voices: Tales of Horror, which Fantasist Enterprises will be releasing later this year.

If you’re one of the thousand or so people lucky enough to be attending this year’s World Fantasy Convention (memberships sold out last winter, making this year’s con one of the hottest tickets around), I’ll look forward to seeing you there.

Oh yes, and did I mention Neil Gaiman is this year’s Guest of Honor? Should be a good time.

Whether you’re attending or not, please consider leaving a comment below. I’m particularly interested in hearing about when you first encountered the wonders of steampunk.

Perhaps it was Mysterious Island or The Fabulous World of Jules Verne, or maybe it was with more recent works, ones actually published under the steampunk banner. Either way, feel free to chime in. 

4 responses to “Airships and Sherlock Holmes”

  1. Paul Genesse Avatar

    Great post, Lawrence. Looking forward to seeing you and the panel sounds fun.

  2. Lawrence C. Connolly Avatar
    Lawrence C. Connolly

    Thanks, Paul. I’m looking forward to seeing you in San Diego!

    I should have mentioned something else about that GenCon panel. Early in the discussion, you read part of an essay that I believe (if memory serves) was by Rick Klaw. The essay was titled “The Steam-Driven Time Machine” and appeared in Ann and Jeff VanderMeer’s book Steampunk.

    In that essay, Klaw quotes K. W. Jetter:

    Personally, I think Victorian fantasies are going to be the next big thing, as long as we can come up with a fitting collective term for [Tim] Powers, [James] Blaylock, and myself. Something based on the appropriate technology of the era; like “steampunks,” perhaps… (Locus, #315 April 1987).

    I think I have that issue of Locus around here somewhere. It was printed back in the days when the magazine was being composed on a Selectric typewriter (or maybe one step up from that, on a rudimentary word processor). Amazing to think that the term steampunk has been with us that long.

  3. Jetse Avatar

    Looking forward to seeing you, Larry: both at the panel and — hopefully — at the bar or at some party.

    As to steampunk: I don’t remember when I first encountered it. I strongly suspect it was Gibson/Sterling’s “The Difference Engine”, although at the time I viewed more as an Alternate History rather than a new genre called steampunk.

    On the panel, I’ll be approaching airships from an engineering p.o.v. mostly: what can and what cannot be done with them.

    See you!

  4. Shelley Adina Avatar

    I first saw steampunk in the 1960s show Wild Wild West. Loved it then, love it now!

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