Tag: horror fiction

  • This Friday at Confluence:
    The Pandemic’s Impact on Horror Fiction

    I’ve been doing my best to learn from the examples set by writers who lived through past epidemics – Sherwood Anderson, Beatrix Potter, and W.E.B. Du Bois (all of whom wrote during the 1918 flu outbreak); and Francesco Petrarca, Thomas Nash, and William Shakespeare (who penned some of their greatest works during Europe’s deadliest plagues).…

  • Walking and Talking:
    Things to Come in 2020

    “If you’re going to talk the talk, you need to walk the walk.” You know the expression. It’s all about the importance of doing, as in Death of a Salesman, where all-talk Willy Loman is amazed to learn that all-walk Bernard is going to argue a case before the supreme court. “The Supreme Court!” Willy…

  • Nightmare Cinema Bought for 2019 Release

    A couple of interesting links this week. The first arrived a few days ago from G. Brandon Hill, Executive Director of Acquisitions and Distribution at Good Deed Entertainment. It’s a link to an exclusive piece in Variety that includes the long-awaited details about Nightmare Cinema’s release. According to the article: Cranked Up Films has partnered…

  • Tales from the Hood 2
    Horror, History, Humor & Politics

    “All of that art-for-art’s-sake stuff is BS. What are these people talking about? Are you really telling me that Shakespeare and Aeschylus weren’t writing about kings? All good art is political!” – Toni Morrison Morrison’s words are particularly relevant to the horror genre. After all, horror literature is all about powers beyond comprehension. It’s true…

  • What’s Axle’s Buried Secret?
    Answer to Win an Amazon Gift Card

    The good people at Fantasist Enterprises, publishers of the Veins Cycle books, are interested in buried secrets. They’re also interested in giving away a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card. Here are the details. First the set up: Vortex: Book Three of the Veins Cycle opens with a boy burying something beneath his house. He thinks he is…