Tag: horror films

  • Nightmare Cinema at Irish Film Institute

    Nightmare Cinema screened last night before a packed house at the Irish Film Institute. The event included a Q&A session with producer Mick Garris, who will also be screening his earlier hits Critters 2 and Sleepwalkers at the festival. Next month, Nightmare Cinema returns to England for a screening in Leeds on November 9, then travels…

  • UK Premiere:
    Nightmare Cinema & “This Way to Egress”

    I first read Traumatic Descent – Larry Connolly’s short story that would be adapted into “This Way to Egress” 17 or 18 years ago. Soon after I worked with my dear friend Charly Cantor on ideas to adapt the story into a feature-length film which Charly would write. I loved Charly like a brother and…

  • Fall Premieres:
    Mexico, England, Canada, Spain, Austria …

    … a world of nightmares. Since premiering at The Fantasia International Film Festival in July, Nightmare Cinema has gone on to screen at some of the world’s most prestigious film festivals devoted to fantasy, science fiction, and horror. So far this month, NC has played on both sides of the Atlantic, first in a French…

  • Don’t Sleep: Nightmares are coming!

    They enter the Rialto only to have their darkest fears brought to life by The Projectionist – a ghostly figure who holds the horrifying futures of all who attend his screenings. And by the time the viewers realize the truth, escape is no longer an option. For once the ticket is torn, all fates are sealed.…

  • Bi-Coastal Weekend: Stories & Nightmares

    Writers do most their traveling at home. It’s inward travel, exploring memory and imagination in the creation of stories that might one day enter the real world as published stuff. But sometimes the draw of outside events cuts through the reverie, and that’s the way it was last weekend when I had writing-related gigs popping on…

  • Upcoming Appearance: Horror Realm

    Horror Realm is a media convention with a nice roster of people affiliated with the horror film industry. Here is the information from their website: Saturday, March 10 Crowne Plaza Pittsburgh South Bethel Park, PA Lawrence C. Connolly Panel Moderator: Chris Rickert, co-owner of Eljay’s Books Join the 21st Century Scop in exploring media, music and literature. …