Tag: In Your Write Mind

  • Genre is a State of Mind:
    Books and Authors @ In Your Write Mind

    The genre stars came out on Saturday night for the latest installment of the In Your Write Mind book event – a massive gathering of science fiction, horror, fantasy, mystery, romance, and YA writers that’s held each June at Seton Hill University. This was my first time back at IYWM in four years. June is…

  • Time Management for Writers

    Writing is all about anticipation. A writer spends months writing a book that might see publication in a year, might garner good reviews sometime after that, and eventually – over the course of a decade – might contribute to a body of work that will define a career. It is, as fantasy author Jim C.…

  • The Shape of Things Come

    Wearable tech, near-planet colonization, computer-assisted telepathy – the future looks amazing, so why aren’t more people writing about it? In a literary scene dominated by backward-looking steampunk and pessimistic dystopia, isn’t it time for some forward-looking, problem-solving science fiction. Last Thursday, during the summer residency at Seton Hill University’s graduate program in Writing Popular Fiction,…

  • Monster Wrangled!

    Mission accomplished . . . but of course I had expert help from the fourteen talented writers who attended the presentation. Together, we considered how to effectively present strange creatures in genre fiction. With a nod to Christopher Priest’s novel The Prestige, the discussion explored how some of the most effective monster scenes in science…

  • Book Miles

    So here’s a question: how important are live events in the marketing of books? I trust everyone reading this blog is a book reader and buyer, and many of you are writers as well. So what do you think? Do the wonders of Social Media make is possible for a writer to rely on virtual…