Tag: Nightmare Cinema

  • This Way to Egress:
    The Manchester-Sheffield Connection

    Eighteen years ago. It’s spring. Filmmaker Charly Cantor and I are driving around Pittsburgh. It’s his first time in the States, having arrived the day before from London. He’s come to collaborate on a new film adaptation of my story “Traumatic Descent,” and today we’re out looking at locations, places that might provide backdrops for…

  • Tales from the Hood 2
    Horror, History, Humor & Politics

    “All of that art-for-art’s-sake stuff is BS. What are these people talking about? Are you really telling me that Shakespeare and Aeschylus weren’t writing about kings? All good art is political!” – Toni Morrison Morrison’s words are particularly relevant to the horror genre. After all, horror literature is all about powers beyond comprehension. It’s true…

  • Nightmare Cinema Premieres at Fantasia

    An enthusiastic crowd gathered well in advance of Nightmare Cinema’s premiere. By 9:00 last night, the line already stretched around the block, assuring a full house for a project that producer-director Mick Garris began dreaming up over a decade ago. Shortly before 10:00, Festival Programmer Tony Timpone took the stage to introduce directors Mick Garris,…

  • Welcome to My Nightmares:
    A Video Essay on Cinematic Monsters

    You’ve heard of man-made monsters. Today, let’s consider a video essay about a monster-made man … or at least a monster-made writer. Namely: the 21st-Century Scop. Here’s the backstory: Last year I was invited to take part in a speaker series sponsored by the Uniontown Library. Helmed in part by author Heidi Ruby Miller (who also…

  • It’s Official:
    Voices now in eBook from Fantasist Ent.

    I’m back home, settling in after KGB and SHU. I wrote my posts on those events more quickly than usual, but they seem to be lucid (to me at least). Both book-related appearances offered an opportunity to get the word out about Fantasist Enterprises’ new edition of Voices: Tales of Horror, and I’m pleased to…

  • Gone Scopping:
    Keeping the Oral Tradition Alive @ KGB

    If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time reading screens. When it comes to accessibility, the digital format is hard to beat. But is it the best format for sharing stories? I recall an article at CNN.com in which a writer lamented the loss of print: “I miss the edges – physical and psychological. I…