Tag: puzzles

  • This Week on Mystery Theatre:
    Knock-Code Charts & Ancient Alphabets

    Can the arrangement of carved squares on the front of a locked wardrobe provide a clue for decoding the tapping sounds coming from within? And what about the red-and-white dragon heads in the center of each square? Could they possibly indicate the language of the coded message? Those are just some of the questions you…

  • This Week on Mystery Theatre:
    Arsenic, Old Lace, and Obnoxious Padre

    For a gallon of elderberry wine, I take one teaspoonful of arsenic, then add a half teaspoonful of strychnine, and then just a pinch of cyanide. That’s Aunt Martha’s recipe for wine with a kick (as in kick the bucket) from Joseph Kesselring’s dark-comedy classic Arsenic and Old Lace, and it’s too bad Jonathan Brewster…