Tag: science fiction

  • Nightmare Cinema Premieres at Fantasia

    An enthusiastic crowd gathered well in advance of Nightmare Cinema’s premiere. By 9:00 last night, the line already stretched around the block, assuring a full house for a project that producer-director Mick Garris began dreaming up over a decade ago. Shortly before 10:00, Festival Programmer Tony Timpone took the stage to introduce directors Mick Garris,…

  • It’s Official:
    Voices now in eBook from Fantasist Ent.

    I’m back home, settling in after KGB and SHU. I wrote my posts on those events more quickly than usual, but they seem to be lucid (to me at least). Both book-related appearances offered an opportunity to get the word out about Fantasist Enterprises’ new edition of Voices: Tales of Horror, and I’m pleased to…

  • Genre is a State of Mind:
    Books and Authors @ In Your Write Mind

    The genre stars came out on Saturday night for the latest installment of the In Your Write Mind book event – a massive gathering of science fiction, horror, fantasy, mystery, romance, and YA writers that’s held each June at Seton Hill University. This was my first time back at IYWM in four years. June is…

  • Yesterday Today:
    SF’s Roots on View at Milford Festival

    My previous post concluded with mention of the grand finale at this year’s Milford Readers and Writers Festival and the promise of a follow up post. Here, then, are some of the talking points from our three-hour program at the Milford Theatre, a conversation that considered how science fiction came of age in Milford during the…

  • Bi-Coastal Weekend: Stories & Nightmares

    Writers do most their traveling at home. It’s inward travel, exploring memory and imagination in the creation of stories that might one day enter the real world as published stuff. But sometimes the draw of outside events cuts through the reverie, and that’s the way it was last weekend when I had writing-related gigs popping on…

  • Looking Ahead:
    This Weekend at the Milford Festival

    Sixty-four years ago, science fiction writers Virginia Kidd and James Blish moved to Milford, PA, into a home that they called Arrowhead. It was there that Virginia Kidd founded the first literary agency devoted to the sf genre and where James Blish and colleagues such as Damon Knight and Kate Wilhelm wrote stories that helped…