Tag: Seton Hill University
It’s Official:
Voices now in eBook from Fantasist Ent.I’m back home, settling in after KGB and SHU. I wrote my posts on those events more quickly than usual, but they seem to be lucid (to me at least). Both book-related appearances offered an opportunity to get the word out about Fantasist Enterprises’ new edition of Voices: Tales of Horror, and I’m pleased to…
Werepigs, Beatniks, & Panels @ Context 27
The Context SF Convention in Worthington, Ohio, continues to impress me as one of the best regional cons in the country. With a strong writing track and lively panel discussions. I go whenever I can, and this weekend I’ll be on hand for a number of events. First up will be the panel “What is…
Instigation ShowcaseDay 3 of the Veins Blog TourMichael A. Arnzen’s website Gorelets.com is always brimming with terrific writing advice. That’s not surprise, given that Mike is both a founder of Seton Hill University’s graduate program in Writing Popular Fiction and the author of the book Instigation: Creative Prompts on the Dark Side. Instigation is a treasury of over 500 tips, scenarios and sparks…
The Portal Closes: Looking Back @ GenCon
Imagine 50,000 people packed into a single indoor space. Now add a 20-foot tall Cthulhu (made entirely of balloons), a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (in a top hat, no less), armies of warriors and monsters, and a roster of top sf and fantasy writers. Yes, it got crowded. But that’s GenCon. Never mind that the…
GoingLIVE with the 21st-Century Scop
Fiction, art, and the pending release of Vortex: Book Three of the Veins Cycle — those are just some of the things publisher Will Horner and I talked about in our recent interview on FCTV. The episode was conducted in conjunction with Seton Hill University and the In Your Write Mind Workshops that we both…