Tag: writing
Researching a Novel: My Lost World
Rain forests, deserts, volcanic mountains, green-sand beaches. They’re all part of the alien landscape of a novel project that links and expands my novelettes “Daughters of Prime” and “The Others” (both of which originally appeared in F&SF). Since the alien setting will feature ever-more prominently in the book-length version, I figured it would be a good idea to experience such…
All-Star Night (Part 2):
Finding Hysteria with Stephanie WytovichWelcome back! Just in time to start the New Year off with a little hysteria. Yesterday’s post featured Owen Kilbane and his story about discovering the powers of music in attracting the opposite sex. If you missed it, you will definitely want to go back and check it out. Here’s a link. Owen’s performance was…
Instigation ShowcaseDay 3 of the Veins Blog TourMichael A. Arnzen’s website Gorelets.com is always brimming with terrific writing advice. That’s not surprise, given that Mike is both a founder of Seton Hill University’s graduate program in Writing Popular Fiction and the author of the book Instigation: Creative Prompts on the Dark Side. Instigation is a treasury of over 500 tips, scenarios and sparks…
Randall Silvis:
One of the Writers on Writing @ Riley’sThe first in a series of profiles on some of the writers being featured at this month’s Writers on Writing @ Riley’s. Hailed as “a masterful storyteller” by the New York Times Book Review, Randall Silvis is the author of fourteen critically acclaimed books of fiction and nonfiction in various genres. A former contributing writer…