Author: Lawrence C. Connolly

  • Milford: Authors, The Anchorage, and Arrowhead

    Milford: Authors, The Anchorage, and Arrowhead

    Around the world, the town of Milford in eastern Pennsylvania is famous for its role in the development of science fiction. Isaac Asimov, Damon Knight, Kurt Vonnegut, Harlan Ellison, Gene Wolfe, James Blish, Virginia Kidd, and Anne McCaffrey are just a few of the luminaries who have traveled to Milford to be part of the…

  • Forward into the Past: Milford Writers Festival

    Forward into the Past: Milford Writers Festival

    Eliot … crashed a convention of science-fiction writers in a motel in Milford, Pennsylvania …. “I love you sons of bitches,” Eliot said …. “You’re all I read any more. You’re the only ones who’ll talk about the really terrific changes going on, the only ones crazy enough to know that life is a space…

  • Ten Years After: The Veins Cycle

    Ten Years After: The Veins Cycle

    Out of the Past Today’s throwback post revisits a blog tour from September 2014. Promoting the upcoming release of Vortex, the third book in the Veins Cycle, the tour featured posts written for other websites. The first installment was a Proustian interview with the Veins Cycle’s central protagonist–a troubled young man with strange dreams and…

  • The Virtual Real

    The Virtual Real

    Bending reality. I am inspired by the curvature of space. Not necessarily by the physics that Einstein postulated early in the 20th century, but in a more personal way. There is something in each of us that allows (and sometimes forces) us to bend the hard-edged realities that make up our daily lives. Surely you’ve…

  • Out of the Past

    Out of the Past

    Since this blog site underwent a redesign last summer, I’ve meant to go back through its 1000+ entries to check for broken links and configuration errors. I finally got around to it this week, working chronologically through a decade of past entries in a process akin to time travel. Turns out, things are in pretty…

  • Mystery Theatre has Moved

    Mystery Theatre has Moved

    Find PSMT at its new domain. Launched during the height of the first COVID wave, Prime Stage Mystery Theatre was initially designed to fill a gap left by live theatre performances during those dark months of social distancing. Thus, the theatre company known for “bringing theatre to life” took on the new mission of “bringing…