Category: News

  • Science Fiction Summer

    Science Fiction Summer

    Summer days. Books. Spaceships and dinosaurs. That pretty much captures my misspent youth—so much so that even now I associate lazy July afternoons with Winston juveniles, Ace paperbacks, and EC Comics. Given that association, it’s fitting that summer is the season of the Nebula Conference (which I posted about here) and the two major science…

  • Putting Together A Short Fiction Collection

    Putting Together A Short Fiction Collection

    You’ve been writing stories. Some have appeared in magazines and anthologies. A few are still making the rounds. And a few more—possibly the best of the lot—don’t seem to be a good fit for the current markets. But one thing’s for sure. You’ve got enough for a collection. So what do you do? Next week,…

  • Unfolding:
    New SciFi Horror on The Wicked Library

    It seemed a harmless obsession, folding paper into hollow spheres, pyramids, and stars. But the administrators feared the power of his art. He had to be stopped. To save the world. To save himself. Hear the complete story on Season 11 of The Wicked Library, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Podchaser, Stitcher, or…

  • Tonight: Live on Stage

    Join us for the opening night performance of Karloff: The Man and the Monster by Randy Bowser. The curtain rises at 8:00 PM at Pittsburgh’s New Hazlett Theatre. After the show, I’ll be joining Director Art DeConciliis and Producing Artistic Director Wayne Brinda for a discussion of the show and next season’s premiere of Frankenstein.…

  • Bracing for Nightmare Cinema:
    This Week & Beyond

    This week, five strangers will enter an abandoned theater to watch their darkest fears play out before them. And you can join them. It all kicks off this Thursday, June 20, when the cast and crew of Nightmare Cinema gather at the historic Hayworth Theatre (2511 Wilshire Blvd) for a special pre-release screening of  the…

  • An Evening of Nightmares

    With the theatrical release of the new anthology film Nightmare Cinema just over a week away, Cranked-Up Films and Shudder are launching An Evening of Nightmares — a curated screening series that, according to a recent article at, “centers on filmmakers showcasing their own work and the work of their creative influences.” Scheduled for June…