Tag: Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy

  • I’ll Meet You in the Gaslight

    If you missed the Bitten By Books event last week, you can still access highlights at The Gaslight Gallery, a new blog sponsored by Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing. The blog features some of the best responses offered during the Bitten By Books event as well as new answers to some intriguing questions. Drop…

  • Meet the Gaslight Arcanum Authors @ Bitten By Books

      The Gaslight Arcanum party is jumping over at the Bitten By Books website. Drop in if you get a chance. It’s a great place for talking about fantasy, mystery, horror, Sherlock Holmes . . . or just reading and writing in general. The party in sponsored by the good people at Edge Science Fiction…

  • New Trailer for Gaslight Arcanum

    The good people at Edge did a terrific job on this new trailer for Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes.  The trailer features a catchy soundtrack, illustrations from the book, and photos of the authors. Great stuff! Related news, on November 30, the website Bitten By Books will be hosting a 24-hour interview session…

  • In Praise of Indie Bookstores

    You walk inside. Right away you sense you’ve arrived someplace special. Books fill the aisles, stacked on a combination of antique, handmade, and prefab shelves. And there’s art, lots of it: on the walls, tables, and even painted directly onto the chairs. But best of all, you’re greeted by someone who knows books – a…

  • New Release: Gaslight Arcanum

    Sherlock Holmes plunges from Reichenbach Falls and wakes to find himself in the care of a mysterious inventor with a terrible secret in my new dark mystery story “The Executioner,” out now in Gaslight Arcanum, the third in a series of Holmes anthologies from Charles Prepolec, Jeff Campbell, and the good people at Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy.…