Tag: horror

  • The Horror Zine on Fear the Abyss.

    There’s a sweet review of Eric Beebe’s Fear the Abyss over at The Horror Zine. It has some terrific things to say about stories by Joseph Williams, Jack Ketchum, Gary A. Braunbeck, Jamie Lackey, Tim Waggoner, Kenneth W. Cain, and Jeyn Roberts. And then there’s this: “Human Caverns” by Lawrence C. Connolly is a beautifully descriptive…

  • Remembering Twilight Zone Magazine @ World Fantasy 2012

    The big news today might be Frankenstorm, but once that monster blows through, I’m hoping to head north for something bigger. This year, Toronto will be playing host to The World Fantasy Convention, an international gathering of writers, editors, scholars, readers, and others associated with all aspects of fantastic literature. This year, my first big…

  • Your Favorite Genre Song?

    The forthcoming publication of Rock On: the Greatest Hits of Science Fiction and Fantasy has me contemplating some of the great rock ‘n roll genre songs. There certainly is a ton of them. Science fiction? How about David Bowie’s “Space Oddity,” Genesis’s “The Return of the Giant Hogweed,” or Mastadon’s album-length epic Crack the Skye?…

  • Monster Wrangled!

    Mission accomplished . . . but of course I had expert help from the fourteen talented writers who attended the presentation. Together, we considered how to effectively present strange creatures in genre fiction. With a nod to Christopher Priest’s novel The Prestige, the discussion explored how some of the most effective monster scenes in science…

  • Voices & Music at Jozart Center for the Arts: A Stoker Homecoming

    What is the sound of horror? We explored the question at last week’s World Horror Convention in Salt Lake City, with a multi-media reading from Voices: Tales of Horror.  As part of the on-going 21st-Century Scop project, the presentation featured prose selections set to the music of Veins: The Soundtrack. This week, the exploration continues at…

  • The 2011 Bram Stoker Award™ Winners!

    The Horror Writers Association announced the winners of the 2011 Bram Stoker Awards™ at its annual awards banquet last night. This year’s presentation was held in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the World Horror Convention, and marks the 25th Anniversary of the awards. The award is named for Bram Stoker, best known as the author…