Tag: In Your Write Mind Workshops

  • Voices: Tales of Horror
    New Edition Preview @ Fantastic Fiction

    The good people at Fantasist Enterprises are preparing a couple special editions of Voices: Tales of Horror for release this summer, starting with the book’s first-ever digital edition and following it with a second print edition. Both will feature a new foreword by Mick Garris (Showtime’s Masters of Horror and the upcoming Nightmare Cinema) and…

  • GoingLIVE with the 21st-Century Scop

    Fiction, art, and the pending release of Vortex: Book Three of the Veins Cycle — those are just some of the things publisher Will Horner and I talked about in our recent interview on FCTV. The episode was conducted in conjunction with Seton Hill University and the In Your Write Mind Workshops that we both…