Tag: science fiction

  • Remembering Twilight Zone Magazine @ World Fantasy 2012

    The big news today might be Frankenstorm, but once that monster blows through, I’m hoping to head north for something bigger. This year, Toronto will be playing host to The World Fantasy Convention, an international gathering of writers, editors, scholars, readers, and others associated with all aspects of fantastic literature. This year, my first big…

  • Your Favorite Genre Song?

    The forthcoming publication of Rock On: the Greatest Hits of Science Fiction and Fantasy has me contemplating some of the great rock ‘n roll genre songs. There certainly is a ton of them. Science fiction? How about David Bowie’s “Space Oddity,” Genesis’s “The Return of the Giant Hogweed,” or Mastadon’s album-length epic Crack the Skye?…

  • “Evocative” – Publishers Weekly

    In Lawrence C. Connolly’s evocative “Mercenary,” sniper and musician Lorcan uncovers a dangerous truth about the mysterious, charismatic singer Bobbie Quicksilver . . . .                                            – Publishers Weekly Needless to say, I’m really jazzed to be a part of this book. Fantasy and sf have always seemed to me to be a big part of…

  • Monster Wrangled!

    Mission accomplished . . . but of course I had expert help from the fourteen talented writers who attended the presentation. Together, we considered how to effectively present strange creatures in genre fiction. With a nod to Christopher Priest’s novel The Prestige, the discussion explored how some of the most effective monster scenes in science…

  • Communing with the Masters

    It’s about community, not competition. A number of people have submitted emails in response to the news post I put up yesterday, and some have asked about the meaning of the Dante quote: e più d’onore ancora assai mi fenno, ch’e’ sì mi fecer de la loro schiera . . . The lines are from…

  • Primordial Score

    Nearly sixty years ago, a Japanese composer dragged a leather glove across the strings of a contrabass and created one of the most distinctive sounds in 20th century cinema — Godzilla’s Roar. I was six when I first heard it, sitting on the floor of my Levittown living room, watching a staticy cathode-ray television. It…