Tag: science fiction

  • “Dramatize it! Dramatize it!”

    In my previous post I promised to spend time responding to questions submitted during my most recent presentation on “The Art of Revision” at Seton Hill University. If you want to know more about the backstory, please take a look at that previous post, otherwise . . . read on! The next question in my stack…

  • Everything you want to know about writing … and then some.

       Any questions? Lots of presenters conclude with that phrase. I’m different. I like to start with it. The strategy may not be as harebrained as it sounds. I’ll explain. I’ve just returned from my biannual residency in Writing Popular Fiction at Seton Hill University, where I always open my presentations by passing out index…

  • New Trailer for Gaslight Arcanum

    The good people at Edge did a terrific job on this new trailer for Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes.  The trailer features a catchy soundtrack, illustrations from the book, and photos of the authors. Great stuff! Related news, on November 30, the website Bitten By Books will be hosting a 24-hour interview session…

  • Upcoming Appearances

    Saturday, October 29 6:00 – 8:00 PM Edge Publishing Book Launch World Fantasy Convention Town and Country Resort 500 Hotel Circle North San Diego, CA I’ll be reading from “The Executioner,” one of the featured stories in Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes. If you’re going to be attending the con, please plan to join…

  • In Praise of Indie Bookstores

    You walk inside. Right away you sense you’ve arrived someplace special. Books fill the aisles, stacked on a combination of antique, handmade, and prefab shelves. And there’s art, lots of it: on the walls, tables, and even painted directly onto the chairs. But best of all, you’re greeted by someone who knows books – a…

  • Upcoming Appearances

    September 24, 3:00 PM Eljay’s Books 3233 West Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15216 I’m really looking forward to this one. It’s my penultimate event for 2011, winding down a tour of eight states that started with the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts in Orlando this past spring and concluding next month with World Fantasy…