Tag: Vipers

  • Binge Reading: The Veins-Cycle Challenge

    Last week, when Google Play announced that they were reducing the prices on all three Veins Cycle Books, I posted the following comment on the Fantasist Enterprises Facebook page: I’d love to hear from someone who dives in and reads (or re-reads) the entire cycle straight through, letting the central narrative unfold in real time. Well, yesterday…

  • The Prousting of Samuelle Calder
    Day 7 of the Veins Blog Tour

    I hope you grabbed your copy of Veins while the e-book edition was on sale for $0.99 at FE, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. The sale has officially ended, but a check of the sites indicates that the discount is still listed at all but Kobo . . . so there’s still time (though I can’t say how much). If you want a…

  • The Next Big Thing (Part 2)

    If you read my previous post, you know that my good friend Alice Henderson has tagged me in The Next Big Thing blog-hop, and now it’s my turn to respond. Here we go! What is the working title of your book? Right now it’s titled Vortex, although there is a good chance the title will…

  • 21st Century Scop does Horror Realm

    The undead sure know how to party. I’ve just returned from Horror Realm, where I shared billing with John Amplas (Martin), Mike Christopher (Dawn of the Dead), and Kyra Schon (Night of the Living Dead).  Also in attendance were Chris Rickert (Eljay’s Books), Tiffany Apan, and lots and lots of zombies. Primarily a media convention,…

  • Everything you want to know about writing … and then some.

       Any questions? Lots of presenters conclude with that phrase. I’m different. I like to start with it. The strategy may not be as harebrained as it sounds. I’ll explain. I’ve just returned from my biannual residency in Writing Popular Fiction at Seton Hill University, where I always open my presentations by passing out index…

  • In Praise of Indie Bookstores

    You walk inside. Right away you sense you’ve arrived someplace special. Books fill the aisles, stacked on a combination of antique, handmade, and prefab shelves. And there’s art, lots of it: on the walls, tables, and even painted directly onto the chairs. But best of all, you’re greeted by someone who knows books – a…