Albert Wendland teaches literature at Seton Hill University and co-directs the MFA program in Writing Popular Fiction. Though he has published a book and several articles on science fiction, he has just released a novel, The Man Who Loved Alien Landscapes (Dog Star Books, June 2014), which received a starred review in Publishers’ Weekly. Here, in part, is what that review had to say:
In Wendland’s intricately plotted, character-driven debut, pulp exploration meets philosophical speculation, and a moralistic sensibility is fused with Philip K. Dick’s paranoid fantasies and Ray Bradbury’s awe of alien encounters.
Albert Wendland is interested in astronomy, geology, film, graphic novels, landscape photography, and “the sublime.”
You’ll want to be on hand to hear his performance on Tuesday, September 30, when Riley’s presents An Evening of Flash Fiction & Short-Short Stories.
If you’re interested in joining our list of presenters, keep in mind that your story should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. It should also have the kind of hook and payoff that typify works of flash fiction. If you have a performance idea that doesn’t fit the above guidelines, please let us know.
Advance sign ups are taking place now (click the email or Facebook icon at the top right of this page to send or post a message). On-site sign ups begin at 7:15 on September 30. Stories begin at 8:00, end at 9:30. Be sure to save the date. Time is growing short . . . and this event will be here in a flash!
Until then, scop on!
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