Tag: Dog Star Books

  • Genre is a State of Mind:
    Books and Authors @ In Your Write Mind

    The genre stars came out on Saturday night for the latest installment of the In Your Write Mind book event – a massive gathering of science fiction, horror, fantasy, mystery, romance, and YA writers that’s held each June at Seton Hill University. This was my first time back at IYWM in four years. June is…

  • The Stars Align

    I’ve just heard from a good friend who has a membership to the  World Fantasy Convention in Brighton. The convention sold out over six months ago, and since then memberships to the international gathering of writers, editors, publishers and fans have been trading like stock futures. If you’re interested in fantastic literature, WFC is definitely…

  • Book City

    I sometimes get the feeling that we book people are citizens of a kind of portable municipality, a diffused city that reforms around various conventions, conferences, festivals, symposiums, and literary events. We’re united by the love of story, the feel of books, and the knowledge that vicarious experience can be as meaningful and real as…