Tag: horror cinema

  • An Evening of Nightmares

    With the theatrical release of the new anthology film Nightmare Cinema just over a week away, Cranked-Up Films and Shudder are launching An Evening of Nightmares — a curated screening series that, according to a recent article at Deadline.com, “centers on filmmakers showcasing their own work and the work of their creative influences.” Scheduled for June…

  • Unleashing 100 Years of Nightmares

    I’m the projectionist, curator of 100 years of nightmares trapped in a silver screen that never forgets. — Mickey Rourke as the Projectionist. This month, the new anthology film Nightmare Cinema concludes its successful run on the international festival circuit to open in select theatres around the country. The film releases on June 21, just…

  • Talking Writing with Laura Powers

    Earlier this month, I got the chance to chat with the multi-talented Laura Powers about film festivals, Nightmare Cinema, and the philosophical approach to writing that I like to think of as “the long game.” You can listen in on that conversation by clicking the player above. If you like what you hear, there’s plenty more…

  • Back to Chelsea…
    for Nightmare Cinema’s US Premiere

    It’s the summer of 1977. I’m crashing at my brother Mark’s apartment at Hotel Chelsea, dreaming of following in the footsteps of other writers who used that iconic landmark as their home base in New York City. It’s the place where Arthur C. Clark worked on 2001: a Space Odyssey, where Alan Ginsburg revolutionized American…

  • Nightmare Cinema Bought for 2019 Release

    A couple of interesting links this week. The first arrived a few days ago from G. Brandon Hill, Executive Director of Acquisitions and Distribution at Good Deed Entertainment. It’s a link to an exclusive piece in Variety that includes the long-awaited details about Nightmare Cinema’s release. According to the article: Cranked Up Films has partnered…

  • A World of Nightmares:
    Latest Festival News and Reviews

    Two weeks after its UK Premiere at Grimmfest, Nightmare Cinema is continuing its run of successful festival screenings, winning fans and garnering strong reviews in the process. In an earlier post, I listed some of the screenings scheduled for October and November. Since then, new screenings have been announced in Dublin, Melbourne, and New York…