Tag: horror
Binge Reading: The Veins-Cycle Challenge
Last week, when Google Play announced that they were reducing the prices on all three Veins Cycle Books, I posted the following comment on the Fantasist Enterprises Facebook page: I’d love to hear from someone who dives in and reads (or re-reads) the entire cycle straight through, letting the central narrative unfold in real time. Well, yesterday…
All-Star Night (Part 2):
Finding Hysteria with Stephanie WytovichWelcome back! Just in time to start the New Year off with a little hysteria. Yesterday’s post featured Owen Kilbane and his story about discovering the powers of music in attracting the opposite sex. If you missed it, you will definitely want to go back and check it out. Here’s a link. Owen’s performance was…
Taken Out of Context
Context always ends too soon. Three amazing days of panels, readings, special events, and networking — and suddenly it’s over for another year. Alas! I’ve been attending since 2007, and in that time Context has become one of my favorite regional SF cons. It’s a small affair with big ambitions, and it always manages to…
The Prousting of Samuelle CalderDay 7 of the Veins Blog TourI hope you grabbed your copy of Veins while the e-book edition was on sale for $0.99 at FE, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. The sale has officially ended, but a check of the sites indicates that the discount is still listed at all but Kobo . . . so there’s still time (though I can’t say how much). If you want a…
The Prousting of AxleDay 1 of the Veins Blog TourIf you’ve been thinking about reading Veins, now’s the time to grab a copy. For the next five days, the ebook edition will be on sale for $0.99 at Fantasist Enterprises, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. To coincide with the sale, I’ll be doing a series of guest blogs and events at some of my favorite websites, starting…