Tag: horror
Back to Chelsea…
for Nightmare Cinema’s US PremiereIt’s the summer of 1977. I’m crashing at my brother Mark’s apartment at Hotel Chelsea, dreaming of following in the footsteps of other writers who used that iconic landmark as their home base in New York City. It’s the place where Arthur C. Clark worked on 2001: a Space Odyssey, where Alan Ginsburg revolutionized American…
Nightmare Cinema Bought for 2019 Release
A couple of interesting links this week. The first arrived a few days ago from G. Brandon Hill, Executive Director of Acquisitions and Distribution at Good Deed Entertainment. It’s a link to an exclusive piece in Variety that includes the long-awaited details about Nightmare Cinema’s release. According to the article: Cranked Up Films has partnered…
Nightmare Cinema at Irish Film Institute
Nightmare Cinema screened last night before a packed house at the Irish Film Institute. The event included a Q&A session with producer Mick Garris, who will also be screening his earlier hits Critters 2 and Sleepwalkers at the festival. Next month, Nightmare Cinema returns to England for a screening in Leeds on November 9, then travels…
UK Premiere:
Nightmare Cinema & “This Way to Egress”I first read Traumatic Descent – Larry Connolly’s short story that would be adapted into “This Way to Egress” 17 or 18 years ago. Soon after I worked with my dear friend Charly Cantor on ideas to adapt the story into a feature-length film which Charly would write. I loved Charly like a brother and…