Tag: spoken word

  • All-Star Night (Part 2):
    Finding Hysteria with Stephanie Wytovich

    Welcome back! Just in time to start the New Year off with a little hysteria. Yesterday’s post featured Owen Kilbane and his story about discovering the powers of music in attracting the opposite sex. If you missed it, you will definitely want to go back and check it out. Here’s a link. Owen’s performance was…

  • All-Star Night:
    When Scops Come Out to Shine

    scop (skop)  — n (in Anglo-Saxon England) a bard or minstrel In addition to being an entertainer who composed and performed his own works, the scop served as a kind of historian and preserver of the oral tradition […].  — Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008. If Riley’s Pour House is continuing the tradition of the Anglo-Saxon meed-hall by…

  • Mannequins, Back to School &
    Short-Short Stories @ Riley’s

    Last week, I posted a preview of the short-short story and flash fiction event that will be rolling into Riley’s Pour House on September 30. That event is already shaping up to be one of the most exciting Storytelling Nights yet, so — if you haven’t seen the post (which includes Michael A. Arnzen’s story…

  • August Mania:
    Madness, Music, and Mannequins

    Sorry. Couldn’t resist the alliteration, but it’s as good a way as any to summarize this month’s events. The Madness That’s madness of the fun variety, of course. Earlier this week I joined Raw Dog Screaming Press authors Stephanie M. Wytovich and Michael A. Arnzen for a reading at Rickert & Beagle Books. That’s the three…