The 21st-Century Scop banner

scop (noun): Old English – bard, minstrel, storyteller

Michael A. Arnzen:
One of the Writers on Writing @ Riley’s

Arnzen-GoingLiveIVJun13-sqAs a writer who often transcends what have become art’s traditional boundaries, Michael A. Arnzen personifies the role of the 21-st Century scop.

Often funny, always terrifying, Michael Arnzen has created everything from prize-winning novels (Grave Markings) to poetry books (The Gorelets Omnibus) to refrigerator magnets (The Fridge of the Damned).

He is also the creator of Audiovile, a rocking CD in which he performs stories from 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, his Stoker-Award nominated collection of flash fiction stories.

audiovileCDcover400h1His latest mad experiment is Diabolique Strategies, a web app for writers on the dark side. Arnzen is also a Professor of English serving as Chair of the Humanities at Seton Hill University, home of the MFA in Writing Popular Fiction, near Pittsburgh, where he has taught since 1999.

He is also one of the contributors to Many Genres One Craft: Lessons in Writing Popular Fiction.

100JoltsHCcover400hYou’ll want to be there when this four-time winner of the Bram Stoker award joins his Writing Popular Fiction colleagues Randall Silvis, Stephanie Wytovich, and Sheldon Higdon for a night of storytelling at Writers on Writing @ Riley’s.

Members of WorD will also be on hand to share their writing life stories.

If you’ve got a story to share, or if you’d like to be on hand when the award-winning writers tell their tales, you’ll want to be at Riley’s Pour House between 8:00 and 9:30 PM on Tuesday, May 27.

It’s the write place to be.

veinsBram Stoker Award finalist Lawrence C. Connolly (the 21st-Century Scop) is the author of the Veins Cycle books, the first of which, Veins (2008), has just been released for the first time in a special Kindle edition (complete with the original illustrations) from Fantasist Enterprises.  The third book in the series, Vortex, (with illustrations by Rhonda Libbey) will debut in print and ebook on July 1.





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