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scop (noun): Old English – bard, minstrel, storyteller

This Week on Mystery Theatre:
Another Door, Another Time-Travel Story

The time-travel vehicle from The Time Machine as illustrated by Frank R. Paul for Amazing Stories, February, 1927.

Which classic time-travel device would you use to escape the clock room in Prime Stage Mystery Theatre’s “Time is Out of Joint”? Find out in today’s installment, which also features some time-travel recommendations from folks active in the field of science fiction, mystery, fantasy, and horror. You can hear it all by clicking here or by activating the player below.

As with all of our episodes, this one ends with a prompt that asks listeners to suggest what might happen in the next installment. This time, we’re asking you to suggest which of the nine remaining classic works of science fiction you would like to see explored in the final act of Season Four.

A complete list of the time-travel classics covered in “Time is Out of Joint” can be found in Season 4, Episode 1, or in the blog post “Solving the Mystery of the Clock Room.”

Also, if you have any suggestions about what surprises we might find waiting for us when our story resumes on April 1, please share those as well

Comments may be submitted via the Prime Stage Theatre contact page.

And now … on with the show!

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  1. There’s another film that’s a LOT like Weapon for Destruction — it’s another Zeman film entitled “The Stolen Airship”, and…

  2. Excellent summary, Lawrence! This was one of the most fun panels I’ve ever been on. The total scores for the…